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Grids & Squares 2

Jo Boddy

Updated: May 16, 2024

I've been playing further with my little squares and have mounted each one on a larger piece of white paper with three different colours used to stitch around it. The idea came from the protective tubes that tree saplings are planted in. In the forest the planted deciduous trees are granted this protection.

I've been wondering what colour paper to mount the squares on... I tried white:

A natural handmade paper:

A green handmade paper:

I think I prefer the white. The colours get lost on the other two. I wondered about triple mounting each square on a combination of the two handmade papers but decided that was getting silly. There would be no reason to do it and I don't think it would enhance the work.

The white cartridge paper I have is A2 but squeezes them together too much, each one needs a little more space. Then I remembered I have some huge shoji paper so I think I'm going to use that. I think I'll use the back as it has a slight furry texture.

I'm feeling rather excited about these. They're something I just really wanted to make. I think I'm going to get this and the longer piece framed up nicely and then I can see what I want to do with them - whether to take them to Wisley to sell or whether to save them for the end of course exhibition.


I mounted the squares on a huge sheet of white shoji in the end as I wanted them to stand out and have some decent space between each one:

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