The exhibition is looming incredibly close all of a sudden! I've finally decided which prints I'm going to submit for it:
Forest Textures, Stitchwort
Storms Coming, Winter Westerly
Deep in the Forest, Winter Grasses
Winter Pool
I think these prints, taken together showcase a nice mixture of techniques and skills whilst also illustrating the variation within the forest itself. They won't be hung next to each other as there are 12 of us exhibiting and the exhibition will fill all the gallery spaces throughout South Hill Park which is a stately home turned arts centre, therefore I think I can pop in little stitchwort which is a slight anomaly in my work, but it will sit nicely with the work of others.
It's rather exciting that the exhibition is almost here... but also quite scary. I noticed that three of these prints are older - made before I started the MA - Winter Westerly, Storm's coming and Deep in the Forest. I seem to have slowed my production of completed editions since taking the MA due to all the experimenting. I do think the newer prints look more experimental and do show a development of skill. There's etching in there which I couldn't do previously as well as etching lino with caustic soda and multi plate printing.
I'd like to build a body of work fit for a solo show here at some point. I think I would give myself two years and try to make 15 editioned prints and there would likely be monoprints in there too. That would be a realistic target I think. I spoke to the curator of this show and she said that I was very welcome to pitch a solo show to her so that was very encouraging. It's a local arts centre so hopefully my work would have local appeal!